Hey guys happy new year. Its odd right? February is almost coming to an end and I'm still saying happy new year. Well this is my first blog post for the year. In fact its my first blog post in almost seven months.

What happened?

I've been missing in action.
I've been very busy lately and thats why I've not been consistent here. I took a break from blogging first beacuse I had to attend to the business of the ivory tower and then from taking a break I found myself drifting away. I lost the zeal (if thats the right word for what happened to me) for blogging but during this time I didn't give up completely.
At a point I had a conversation with myself and I told myself that me falling off the track is not the problem; its not abnormal. The problem is not being able to pick myself up and get back on track.

One of the most important ways of picking ones self up is finding out why you fell. So I searched myself and then I found out that I fell down beacuse things weren't going the way I planned or the way I expected them to go. When I realized this, I knew I was half way towards solving my problem.

I thank God that after seven months I've picked myself up and I'm back on track and I'm moving slowly but surely.


But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you. Psalm 39 v. 7


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